

Resources About Donkeys

A cartoon tan horses wearing a bridle stands in front of a grey fence while a veterinarian wearing a blue coat uses a stethoscope to check their heart rate. A person wearing a dark ball cap and green sweater holds the horses lead rope.
This short resource will introduce you to the basics of Equine Infectious Anemia and how you can protect your equine residents.
This short resource will introduce you to the basics of Equine Infectious Anemia and how you can protect your equine residents.
A lilac-colored background banner spans the top of this resource. A lighter-colored horse with a magenta halter stands in front of a fence, their side visible. A person with a lavender top and deep blue pants brushes the horse's coat out.
This resource includes a list of proper grooming tools, safety tips, and a basic step-by-step approach to grooming equine residents.
This resource includes a list of proper grooming tools, safety tips, and a basic step-by-step approach to grooming equine residents.
A horse of chestnut coloring stands in a mud puddle and rubs their backside against a cement water trough.
This resource will define sweet itch, how to treat it, and look at some prevention tips to help equine residents at your sanctuary
This resource will define sweet itch, how to treat it, and look at some prevention tips to help equine residents at your sanctuary stay more comfortable.
A teal background has the shadow of a horse graphic and small blue and yello midges upon it. In the center are the words "Prevention And Management Of Sweet Itch" in light orange lettering outlined with white.
This sharable infographic provides a number of easily accessible prevention and management tips to help protect equine residents.
This sharable infographic provides a number of easily accessible prevention and management tips to help protect equine residents.

Fun Facts About Donkeys

Donkeys evolved to survive desert environments and get up to 95% of their nutrients from a diet consisting of plants generally considered inedible. Their digestive tract evolved to ensure they could get more nutrients out of generally indigestible plant matter. This means they can do more with less in comparison to horses!
Donkeys have a strong sense of self-preservation. This is often mistaken for stubbornness. However, it is usually the careful analysis of a situation and whether it might pose a threat or be unpleasant for them. Demonstrating to a donkey that what is being asked will result in a positive (or at least neutral) outcome can make a big difference!
A donkey’s sense of hearing is so well developed that they can hear the call of another donkey from miles away!

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