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Global toxic plant database
Are your residents’ outdoor living spaces safe? - Our free Global Toxic Plant Database is easy to navigate and contains information sortable by species and location!
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Available Now: The Care Program Evaluation Checklist
188 pages, 1200 policies and best practices for sanctuaries
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Ośrodek Jelonki (loosely translated as Jelonki Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre) is an animal rehabilitation center and sanctuary in Poland that helps wild and domesticated animals. Founded in 2013 by Ania Kamińska, their primary mission is to help abandoned, abused or injured animals and return wild animals to their natural habitats.

Donations and grants fund the organization, which currently cares for more than 300 animal residents. These include large mammals such as moose, cows, and goats; birds such as storks and owls; and smaller rescued wild and domestic animals including dogs, cats, geese, pigs, foxes and raccoons. A small team, including Ania's partner Mateusz Kananowicz, takes care of the animals and maintains the property.

When Cows Can’t Stand: Understanding Causes And Making Sure You Are Prepared To Help

A guide to preparing to assist cows who cannot stand.

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Animal Care Resources

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We have over 500 free informational resources, guides, templates, tools, and a whole lot more to help your animal organization grow and thrive!

About The Open Sanctuary Project

The Open Sanctuary Project is a freely accessible, always growing digital guide for any resources or information you need in order to responsibly create and successfully manage an animal sanctuary.

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About The Open Sanctuary Project

The Open Sanctuary Project is a freely accessible, always growing digital guide for any resources or information you need in order to responsibly create and successfully manage an animal sanctuary.

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