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We’re working to make sanctuary knowledge accessible for everyone.
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Global toxic plant database
Are your residents’ outdoor living spaces safe? - Our free Global Toxic Plant Database is easy to navigate and contains information sortable by species and location!
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Available Now: The Care Program Evaluation Checklist
188 pages, 1200 policies and best practices for sanctuaries
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Animal Care Resources

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What’s New And Updated

Keeping rabbit residents healthy and safe. Photo credit: Edgar's Mission

Potential Rabbit Health Challenges

An introductory guide for common rabbit health issues, illnesses, and diseases.
A holstein cow stands in a pasture and drinks water from a tub.

Mooving In! The New Cow Arrival Guide

Everything you need to know about bringing a new cow into your life!
A blackish brown bull paws the ground with their head lowered. They are standing in a green pasture.

Behavior 104 For Animal Sanctuaries: Anti-Predator Behaviors

In this resource, we are going to cover anti-predator behaviors and how these behaviors may vary between farmed animal species.

Crafting Compassionate Euthanasia Policies For Your Animal Sanctuary

Euthanasia is a difficult, but important topic for animal sanctuaries. What do organizations need to think about when writing compassionate end-of-life policies?

Explore Resources

Educational Programming

Learn about creating and managing an animal sanctuary here!

Governance & Organization

Access innovative online courses for important sanctuary topics here!

Downloads & Multimedia

Access our database of helpful documents and more here!

Animal Care Resources

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Starting A Sanctuary?

We have over 500 free informational resources, guides, templates, tools, and a whole lot more to help your animal organization grow and thrive!

About The Open Sanctuary Project

The Open Sanctuary Project is a freely accessible, always growing digital guide for any resources or information you need in order to responsibly create and successfully manage an animal sanctuary.

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About The Open Sanctuary Project

The Open Sanctuary Project is a freely accessible, always growing digital guide for any resources or information you need in order to responsibly create and successfully manage an animal sanctuary.

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