
Resources About Llamas

A lamb eats fresh spring grass in the sun.
This is a mini introductory resource on spring pasture-related health issues, briefly covering things to look out for and precautions to take to ensure
This is a mini introductory resource on spring pasture-related health issues, briefly covering things to look out for and precautions to take to ensure residents stay happy and healthy this spring!
A cream colored background. A cartoon yellow sun peaks out from behind a baby clue cloud. Bellow are green scribbles that represent grass. Over the cloud are the words "Spring Green Pastures".
This infographic provides tips on how to keep your residents healthy on lush pastures.
This infographic provides tips on how to keep your residents healthy on lush pastures.

Fun Facts About Llamas

Llamas practice good hygiene and have a designated communal bathroom area!
Yes, it is true! Llamas do spit, but only when they are really upset and would like to warn away others. If you see their ears back and head up, back away!
A baby llama is called a cria. Mothers bond with their crias through vocalizations called humming, as well as through nuzzling and nose to nose contact.

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