Give us your feedback

If you’d like to provide us with constructive feedback on our mission or any of our resources, please submit the form below! Our organization relies upon the feedback of the global animal sanctuary community to be able to provide the best resources possible.

Similarly, if you have positive feedback for our organization, or if any of our resources have helped your organization or residents, please let us know below! Positive feedback truly helps us to be able to continue our mission!

Feedback Form
Do you work for or volunteer at an animal sanctuary or rescue?
Have you utilized any resources, articles, or downloads from The Open Sanctuary Project at your sanctuary or rescue? *
May we contact you regarding this Feedback?
Make a tax-deductible donation

In addition, if you would like to support our mission financially, please consider making a tax-deductible donation. Thank you!

Group 258
Contact Us

We are always working to make our content better. If you have any suggestions for improvement in any of our materials, please contact us.

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