Learn more about how to keep your sanctuary staff in winter in this handy infographic! For a more in-depth look at winter safety considerations, be sure to check out the full resource here!
Winter Staff Safety Infographic by Julia Magnus
Click Here For A Text Description Of The Infographic!
This is an infographic with a title “6 Winter Safety Tips For Sanctuary Caregivers.” Under the title are icicles, and six separate text boxes with accompanying images.
The first text box is headed “1. Keep Tabs On The Weather.” The text below reads “Monitor weather reports and road conditions regularly and communicate with staff and volunteers frequently, especially those who commute and those who may need stay on site!” Next to that box is an image of a person on the phone while watching a weather report on the TV.
The second text box is headed “2. Allow Extra Time And Schedule Thoughtfully.” The text below reads “Keep in mind most tasks will take longer, so modify your staffing schedule as needed and adjust duties and roles in order to make sure you have coverage for all necessary tasks.” Next to that box is an image of a clock, and a calendar with a bubble pointing to a date that includes an image of a person.
The third text box is headed “3. Beware of Ice And Snow Hazards.” The text below reads “Chart necessary paths to living spaces in advance and keep traction forefront in mind, both in terms of resident and caregiverSomeone who provides daily care, specifically for animal residents at an animal sanctuary, shelter, or rescue. safety. Keep an eye out and remove any ice or snow that presents falling hazards.” Next to that box is an image of a goat standing next to a person shoveling snow.
The fourth text box is headed “4. Provide Caregivers With Warm Shelter.” The text below reads “Make sure all humans have access to a warm shelter where they can take frequent breaks as needed, as well as warming drinks and ways to stay hydrated, hand and toe warmers, and all necessary cold weather gear. Keeping extra gear on hand is a great idea!” Next to that box is an image of a house with a winter storm outside, with a warm fire burning in the house.”
The fifth text box is headed “5. Monitor Utilities Carefully.” The text below reads “Create contingency plans in case extreme weather impacts electricity, heat, or water pipes. Make sure backup infrastructure is safe from a fire safety and resident safety standpoint.” Next to that text box are stylized symbols representing utilities: a building, a lightning bolt, a water drop, and a leaf.
The sixth box is headed “Modify Routines As Needed To Ensure Caregiver Safety.” The text below reads “Feeding, enrichment, health checks, and living spaceThe indoor or outdoor area where an animal resident lives, eats, and rests. cleaning protocols may need to be shifted if residents are being cared for indoors due to inclement weather. Make the necessary changes to ensure caregiver and resident safety.” The image next to that text box is of a caregiver kneeling and offering a gooseUnless explicitly mentioned, we are referring to domesticated goose breeds, not wild geese, who may have unique needs not covered by this resource. resident food treats by hand.
At the bottom of the page there is a link reading “OpenSanctuary.Org.”
The first text box is headed “1. Keep Tabs On The Weather.” The text below reads “Monitor weather reports and road conditions regularly and communicate with staff and volunteers frequently, especially those who commute and those who may need stay on site!” Next to that box is an image of a person on the phone while watching a weather report on the TV.
The second text box is headed “2. Allow Extra Time And Schedule Thoughtfully.” The text below reads “Keep in mind most tasks will take longer, so modify your staffing schedule as needed and adjust duties and roles in order to make sure you have coverage for all necessary tasks.” Next to that box is an image of a clock, and a calendar with a bubble pointing to a date that includes an image of a person.
The third text box is headed “3. Beware of Ice And Snow Hazards.” The text below reads “Chart necessary paths to living spaces in advance and keep traction forefront in mind, both in terms of resident and caregiverSomeone who provides daily care, specifically for animal residents at an animal sanctuary, shelter, or rescue. safety. Keep an eye out and remove any ice or snow that presents falling hazards.” Next to that box is an image of a goat standing next to a person shoveling snow.
The fourth text box is headed “4. Provide Caregivers With Warm Shelter.” The text below reads “Make sure all humans have access to a warm shelter where they can take frequent breaks as needed, as well as warming drinks and ways to stay hydrated, hand and toe warmers, and all necessary cold weather gear. Keeping extra gear on hand is a great idea!” Next to that box is an image of a house with a winter storm outside, with a warm fire burning in the house.”
The fifth text box is headed “5. Monitor Utilities Carefully.” The text below reads “Create contingency plans in case extreme weather impacts electricity, heat, or water pipes. Make sure backup infrastructure is safe from a fire safety and resident safety standpoint.” Next to that text box are stylized symbols representing utilities: a building, a lightning bolt, a water drop, and a leaf.
The sixth box is headed “Modify Routines As Needed To Ensure Caregiver Safety.” The text below reads “Feeding, enrichment, health checks, and living spaceThe indoor or outdoor area where an animal resident lives, eats, and rests. cleaning protocols may need to be shifted if residents are being cared for indoors due to inclement weather. Make the necessary changes to ensure caregiver and resident safety.” The image next to that text box is of a caregiver kneeling and offering a gooseUnless explicitly mentioned, we are referring to domesticated goose breeds, not wild geese, who may have unique needs not covered by this resource. resident food treats by hand.
At the bottom of the page there is a link reading “OpenSanctuary.Org.”