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Resources About Chickens

Learn all about the types of enrichment available to improve the quality of life of chicken residents.
Learn all about the types of enrichment available to improve the quality of life of chicken residents.
Things you need to know about caring for large breed chickens such as Cornish Cross birds!
Things you need to know about caring for large breed chickens such as Cornish Cross birds!
Daily observation plays an important role in catching signs of concern early. Do you know what to look for when observing chicken residents?
Daily observation plays an important role in catching signs of concern early. Do you know what to look for when observing chicken residents?
This handy infographic covers six things to look for when trying to ascertain whether a chicken resident is in good health or not.
This handy infographic covers six things to look for when trying to ascertain whether a chicken resident is in good health or not.
A brief primer on Suprelorin, an implant that can potentially suppress egg-laying in order to help keep chickens and other birds healthy.
A brief primer on Suprelorin, an implant that can potentially suppress egg-laying in order to help keep chickens and other birds healthy.

Fun Facts About Chickens

Did you know that many chickens (less so in large breed chickens) choose to “work” for their food? This is called contra-freeloading. Chickens have demonstrated that they will often choose to press a button or ring a bell for food instead of eating from a readily available food source. They may enjoy the extra engagement and stimulation provided.
Chickens are able to see more colors than humans! While the human retina contains cones that are sensitive to wavelengths of red, blue and green, chickens have an additional cone that can detect violet wavelengths, including some ultraviolet wavelengths!
While it might just sound like a bunch of clucking to an unfamiliar observer, chicken “language” consists of at least 24 different vocalizations! This doesn’t even include how they communicate through visual displays.

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