

Resources About Ducks

The history and current challenges of the domesticated duck.
The history and current challenges of the domesticated duck.
Indoor and outdoor living space recommendations for domesticated ducks
Indoor and outdoor living space recommendations for domesticated ducks
Photo by Jon Sailer on Unsplash
What do domesticated ducks need to eat (and need to avoid eating) to be happy and healthy?
What do domesticated ducks need to eat (and need to avoid eating) to be happy and healthy?
Photo by Alberto Frías on Unsplash
This list includes descriptions of common plants and other substances that may be toxic to ducks and tips on how to prevent poisoning at
This list includes descriptions of common plants and other substances that may be toxic to ducks and tips on how to prevent poisoning at your sanctuary.
Photo by Troy T on Unsplash
Learn all about the types of enrichment available to improve the quality of life of duck residents.
Learn all about the types of enrichment available to improve the quality of life of duck residents.
Do you know how to differentiate between normal and concerning when observing duck residents?
Do you know how to differentiate between normal and concerning when observing duck residents?

Fun Facts About Ducks

Ducks have the ability to control each of their eyes independently. The information they take in with one eye is stored in their memory on the opposite side of their brain!
Waterfowl will communicate with others in the nest to synchronize their development in order to try and hatch around the same time. They also learn to recognize the sound of their mother’s voice nearby.
Their bills of ducks are highly sensitive with many touch receptors, similar to those in our fingertips and palms!

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