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The Open Sanctuary Project’s Global Toxic Plant Database

Nardoo, a clover-like plant on the ground.
Nardoo: A toxic plant to be concerned with, but only if you’re in Australia!

Updated May 17, 2022

This database is a sortable table of plants that are toxic to farmed animals, compiled by The Open Sanctuary Project.

In this database, you’ll find a list of plants, the animal species likely afflicted by them, a list of potential symptoms, the toxicity cause of the plant, and a distribution listing searchable by region.

To learn more about other toxic or harmful things to protect individual species against, check out our species-specific “Things That Toxic To” resources.

A Robust Starting Point
As with all toxic plant databases, please be aware that while we endeavor to include as many plants as are known to be toxic to farmed animals in this database, this list should be used for reference only and may not have every plant toxic to every species. Consider consulting with your local agricultural extension to determine if there are any plants in your region particularly to be wary of.

an outline of a rabbit graphic

Rabbit List Under Construction!
Just a note that our rabbit list within the Global Toxic Plant Database is undergoing construction. Please do not take this list to be suitable for rabbit safety until this message is removed.

Using The Database

While you can click through individual plants in this database to see more information, this database can be easily filtered to sort out plants that are irrelevant to your search. Use the filter button in the top left corner of either view to quickly sort the data.

Using The Database FiltersA sample image of how the Global Toxic Plant Database filter system works.
Above, you can see that you can easily add an “Animal Species Afflicted” filter and toggle the species you’re interested in finding information for. If you have a population of multiple species, we suggest using the “has any of” filter, which will show all plants that afflict either species in the list but sort out any plants that don’t afflict any of the selected species.
A second ample image of how the Global Toxic Plant Database filter system works.
And here, we’ve added a filter (using the + Add filter button) to also only search for plants native or introduced into Australia (in addition to species afflicted). Currently, the system supports searching by states in the United States, provinces in Canada, and countries. Some countries are further filterable by region- see the “Plant Distribution” column of some listings to see if your country is further sorted by region.

The Global Toxic Plant Database- Photo View

Grid View

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This database is a compilation of a large number of sources. Potential symptoms are sourced from:

Plant Distribution information is sourced from the Royal Botanic Garden. Photo credits can be found with each plant, though they are all licensed either through Creative Commons, GFDL, or are Public Domain. If you are the owner of a photo and you would like it removed, please contact us.

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