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Avian Influenza Infographic

As of this writing, more and more reports of avian influenza findings in flocks of domesticated birds in the United States are being made, so it is important to stay apprised of current information. This infographic is meant to serve as a brief overview of measures your sanctuary can take to protect avian residents from avian influenza. Our full resource on the subject can be found here, and we have a shorter FAQ resource available here. While The Open Sanctuary Project strives to research and deliver the best, most accurate and accessible compassionate care information for animals, please note that we are not a licensed veterinary organization, our staff is not composed of veterinarians, and we do not wish to present our organization as such. We strongly recommend that you consult with your veterinarian to determine the best measures to take in your situation to protect your residents.


Advanced Topics In Resident Health: Avian Influenza | The Open Sanctuary Project

Avian Influenza FAQ | The Open Sanctuary Project

Antimicrobial Products Registered for Disinfection Use Against Avian Influenza on Poultry Farms and Other Facilities | United States Environmental Protection Agency (Non-Compassionate Source)

Wild Bird Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Surveillance | Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations (Non-Compassionate Source)

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