Looking to share this information in an accessible way with other sanctuaries and supporters? Check out and share our infographic that provides seven steps to creating an effective education strategic plan. Interested in learning more about this topic? Check out this resource!
Creating an Effective Education Strategic Plan Infographic by Andie Springirth
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Title: Creating an Effective Education Strategic Plan for Your Animal Sanctuary
Infographic Background: The background of this infographic is light blue. There are also three graphics conservatively scattered throughout the background. There is a green blob, a blue blob, and a white spiral.
Description Under the Title: An education strategic plan is an easy-to-read roadmap that describes where you want your sanctuary’s educational programming to be in two to five years. It identifies your educational objectives and the key strategies that will best enable you to achieve them.
Subheader 1: Form a Good Team
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the left of three people working together. A person wearing a salmon-colored top and white pants is standing up holding a light bulb. To the left of that person is another person in a red top and grey pants standing holding a red check mark above a piece of paper. Beneath these two people, there is a third person wearing a white top and blue pants who is sitting down and typing on a laptop.
Text Accompanying Image: Your team should include a strong lead facilitator and a handful of
other folks who understand your sanctuary’s missionThe stated goals and activities of an organization. An animal sanctuary’s mission is commonly focused on objectives such as animal rescue and public advocacy. and are committed to the planning process.
Subheader 2: Assess Your Organization
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the right of a person wearing a white top and brown pants who is looking through a magnifying glass and smiling.
Text Accompanying Image: Assess the current state of your sanctuary and surrounding community to determine what type of education program is most suitable for your organization.
Subheader 3: Conduct a S.W.O.T. Analysis
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the left of two hands. The left hand is writing on a piece of paper while the right hand enters numbers into a calculator.
Text Accompanying Image: A S.W.O.T. analysis is a close examination of internal and external environmental factors that could affect your organization and its educational programming.
Subheader 4: Write Your Plan
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the right of a pair of hands typing on a laptop.
Text Accompanying Image: Your plan should include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, description of your education program and its goals, implementation plan, and evaluation plan.
Subheader 5: Share Your Plan
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the left of a pair of hands holding an envelope.
Text Accompanying Image: Once you’ve finished creating your education strategic plan, share it with your entire team: staff, board, donors, volunteers, website visitors, etc.
Subheader 6: Operationalize Your Plan
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the right of a hand pushing a push pin into a calendar.
Text Accompanying Image: Schedule the work needed to accomplish the tasks on your plan and work until you have accomplished all of the objectives you laid out.
Subheader 7: Revisit and Revise
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the left of a person in a blue top and blue pants looking through a magnifying glass at a series of papers.
Text Accompanying Image: Your education strategic plan is a living document. Try to regularly review it with your staff and board members so you can respond to any changes that have taken place and adjust accordingly.
Subheader 8: Want to Learn More?
Image: A light blue background with an illustration of a hand holding a light bulb on the bottom.
Text Accompanying Image: To learn more about this topic, read the full resource on our website @ www.OpenSanctuary.org. Just type in “Strategic Planning for Educational Programming at Your Animal Sanctuary ” in the search bar!
Infographic Background: The background of this infographic is light blue. There are also three graphics conservatively scattered throughout the background. There is a green blob, a blue blob, and a white spiral.
Description Under the Title: An education strategic plan is an easy-to-read roadmap that describes where you want your sanctuary’s educational programming to be in two to five years. It identifies your educational objectives and the key strategies that will best enable you to achieve them.
Subheader 1: Form a Good Team
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the left of three people working together. A person wearing a salmon-colored top and white pants is standing up holding a light bulb. To the left of that person is another person in a red top and grey pants standing holding a red check mark above a piece of paper. Beneath these two people, there is a third person wearing a white top and blue pants who is sitting down and typing on a laptop.
Text Accompanying Image: Your team should include a strong lead facilitator and a handful of
other folks who understand your sanctuary’s missionThe stated goals and activities of an organization. An animal sanctuary’s mission is commonly focused on objectives such as animal rescue and public advocacy. and are committed to the planning process.
Subheader 2: Assess Your Organization
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the right of a person wearing a white top and brown pants who is looking through a magnifying glass and smiling.
Text Accompanying Image: Assess the current state of your sanctuary and surrounding community to determine what type of education program is most suitable for your organization.
Subheader 3: Conduct a S.W.O.T. Analysis
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the left of two hands. The left hand is writing on a piece of paper while the right hand enters numbers into a calculator.
Text Accompanying Image: A S.W.O.T. analysis is a close examination of internal and external environmental factors that could affect your organization and its educational programming.
Subheader 4: Write Your Plan
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the right of a pair of hands typing on a laptop.
Text Accompanying Image: Your plan should include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, description of your education program and its goals, implementation plan, and evaluation plan.
Subheader 5: Share Your Plan
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the left of a pair of hands holding an envelope.
Text Accompanying Image: Once you’ve finished creating your education strategic plan, share it with your entire team: staff, board, donors, volunteers, website visitors, etc.
Subheader 6: Operationalize Your Plan
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the right of a hand pushing a push pin into a calendar.
Text Accompanying Image: Schedule the work needed to accomplish the tasks on your plan and work until you have accomplished all of the objectives you laid out.
Subheader 7: Revisit and Revise
Image: A light yellow text box with an illustration on the left of a person in a blue top and blue pants looking through a magnifying glass at a series of papers.
Text Accompanying Image: Your education strategic plan is a living document. Try to regularly review it with your staff and board members so you can respond to any changes that have taken place and adjust accordingly.
Subheader 8: Want to Learn More?
Image: A light blue background with an illustration of a hand holding a light bulb on the bottom.
Text Accompanying Image: To learn more about this topic, read the full resource on our website @ www.OpenSanctuary.org. Just type in “Strategic Planning for Educational Programming at Your Animal Sanctuary ” in the search bar!