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Four Tips for Communicating with Youth about Animal Exploitation Infographic

Looking to share this information in an accessible way with other sanctuaries and supporters? Check out and share our infographic that provides four tips for communicating with youth about animal exploitation. Interested in learning more about this topic? Check out this resource!

Four Tips for Communicating with Youth About Animal Exploitation by Andie Springirth
Click Here for a Text Description of this Infographic!
Title: Four Tips for Communicating with Youth about Animal Exploitation

Infographic Background: The background of this infographic is multi-colored. It alternates between different muted tones of pink, cream, and yellow.

Subheader 1: Facilitate Developmentally Appropriate Dialogue
Image: A light brown text box with an illustration of a red heart on the left side. There is a little hand on top of a big hand inside the heart.
Text Accompanying Image: It’s essential to be informed, sensitive, and careful when you’re talking to kids about animal exploitation. The discussions that you have with children should differ depending on their age and cognitive development.

Subheader 2: Start with the Basics
Image: A light brown text box with an illustration of a red book stacked on top of a yellow notebook on the right side.
Text Accompanying Image: What foundational aspects of this issue do you want young visitors to come away understanding? You might include a clear explanation of what exploitation is and is not, the fact that animal exploitation is a big issue that is entangled with a lot of other big issues, fundamental vocabulary words, etc.

Subheader 3: Limit Exposure to Violent Imagery
Image: A light brown text box with an illustration on the left side of a yellow sun.
Text Accompanying Image: It’s important to limit depictions of violence towards animals. Research on child development indicates that young children should not be exposed to any violent imagery, while tweens and teens should be limited.

Subheader 4: Talk about Hope and Provide Role Models
Image: A light brown text box with an illustration on the right side of a hand holding a green plant.
Text Accompanying Image: Let kids know that animal exploitation is something we can overcome together! Empower them by giving them meaningful ways to contribute to animal liberation and examples of role models doing this work. Be sure to also include representations of nonhuman animals living their lives beyond suffering.

Subheader 5: Want to Learn More?
Image: A light brown text box with an illustration of a light bulb on the left side.
Text Accompanying Image: To learn more about this topic, read the full resource on our website @ Just type in “Communicating with Youth about Animal Exploitation” in the search bar!

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