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08 – How Your Animal Sanctuary Or Rescue Can Collaborate With Animal SheltersOrganizations, either government-funded and maintained or not-for-profit and funded by charitable contributions, with a physical infrastructure in which homeless animals are cared for and offered for adoption. – The Open Sanctuary Podcast
Episode Notes
Nonprofit Specialist Julia, Research Specialist Amber, and Community Education Specialist Andie discuss animal sanctuary and rescue collaboration considerations with animal shelters. While the word “shelter” can be evocative for many, and many folks may have a lot of feelings about them, it’s important to realize that shelters are often an essential point of contact when it comes to saving the lives of animals in need. They are frequently a first point of entry for animals in need of assistance, and they can be a critical ally to your animal organization! Have a listen to learn more about how your organization can develop and maintain relationships with shelters so you can maximize your helpful impact for animals!
This Episode’s Referenced Open Sanctuary Project Resources:
- A Starter Guide To Terminology Around Animal Care Spaces
- A Starter Guide To Understanding And Working With Animal Shelters For Animal Sanctuaries
- Managing Requests To Take In And Help An Animal Outside The Scope Of Your Sanctuary’s Mission
- Determining Your Animal Sanctuary’s Capacity For Responsible Care
- Fostering Positive Relationships Between Animal Sanctuaries
- Managing Cruelty, Seizure And Escapee Cases At Your Sanctuary Or Rescue
- Building And Maintaining A Good Relationship Between Your Animal Sanctuary And Veterinarians
Episode Transcript
Transcript Coming Soon!
We are still in the process of determining how to best present transcripts for podcast episodes. We’ll let you know via our newsletter when transcripts are available!
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