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The Open Sanctuary Project’s Commitment To Increased Accessibility

book pages curled to make a heart.

As a digital organization dedicated to creating accessible information for anyone interested in improving their standards of care for individual animals in need, or for improving the practices at animal-focused organizations, we recognize that there may exist many different barriers for people to effectively access our resources, many of which are caused by our own design choices. We are committed to reducing these potential barriers to our resources and information and improving accessibility to humans who may have hearing or visual impairments or disabilities, including those who may access our materials with assistive technology.

Although we recognize gaps in our site-wide accessibility, we have committed to the following standards to improve our accessibility:

  • All of our audio content contains captions
  • All of our photo or graphic content contains alt-text
  • We strive to design our content as to not be overwhelming from an audio or visual perspective, and refrain from using any content that has flashing or strobing lights or colors, and to be viewable for anyone who may have impaired perception to certain color combinations
  • All links that lead outside of our website are marked with an external link symbol
  • We now have a site-wide accessibility tool for improving a variety of factors

We hope that all animal-focused organizations will also commit to these standards to help create a kinder world for all.

Let Us Know If We Can Do Better
If you have challenges accessing any element of our resources, please get in touch with us and let us know! We want to ensure that our resources are as accessible as we can possibly make them, and we are always learning!

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