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The Open Sanctuary Project’s HPAI Record-Keeping Template

A sample of the vehicle record for our HPAI template
A sample of the vehicle record subsection of our HPAI record keeping template

Updated July 18, 2022

If your animal sanctuary is located in an area where avian influenza is currently a concern, keeping detailed, accurate records of the steps you’re taking to prevent its spread at your organization might be critical, should the virus be detected nearby. To help organizations stay organized in their HPAI recordkeeping, we’ve developed a simple spreadsheet with sections for some of the key tasks caregivers must perform to keep their avian residents safe. Check out our HPAI biosecurity plan and checklist for more information on these strategies!

NEW: Get This Template For Paper Record Keeping

a sample of the resident areas and observations record sheet
A sample of our printable version of this resource!

In order to help organizations who prefer paper recordkeeping to digital (though we caution these organizations to keep a backup), we have converted the digital templates into a paper log format, downloadable here:

Enter your organization’s (or your) name and email below to receive the printable template document:

We promise not to use your email for any marketing purposes! Would you prefer to access this form in a different way? Contact us and let us know!

Prefer Digital? Look no further!

Getting the Digital HPAI Record Keeping Template

Enter your organization’s (or your) name and email below to receive the template document, in excel format. From there, you can open it in Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets.

We promise not to use your email for any marketing purposes! Would you prefer to access this form in a different way? Contact us and let us know!

How's This Checklist Working For You?

Have you used this checklist at your sanctuary and want to give us your feedback on improvements? Let us know here!

Sections Of The Template

This template is separated into 7 subsections, separated by individual spreadsheets in one document. As the template is yours to use and modify, feel free to adjust it to your organization’s needs and preferences! The template sections are as follows:

Daily Avian Observations By Resident Area

a screenshot of the daily observation sheet filled out

This section can be utilized for easily keeping track of different avian residents in different areas of your sanctuary, as well as monitoring their general wellbeing.

Cleaning Log

a screenshot of the cleaning log sheet filled out

This section can be used for keeping track of how avian resident areas are being cleaned to prevent the spread of avian influenza, as well as who did the cleaning.

Visitor or Volunteer Log

a screenshot of the visitor log sheet filled out

This section can be used to keep track of any offsite humans visiting any avian area, which might be critical information should avian influenza be found in your region.

Biosecurity Checks

a screenshot of the biosecurity log sheet filled out

This section can be used to verify and explain all strategies taken to ensure your sanctuary’s avian areas are always secured from outside exposure as much as possible.

Tools Check

a screenshot of the tool cleaning log sheet filled out

This section can be used to keep track of which avian living space tools are being disinfected and isolated and the frequency of disinfection.

Footbath Cleaning Log

a screenshot of the footbath cleaning log sheet filled out

This section can be used to keep track of the cleanliness and effectiveness of any footbaths used on-site to prevent the spread of HPAI.

Vehicle Log

a screenshot of the vehicle log sheet filled out

This section can be used to monitor all vehicles coming and going from the sanctuary, their purpose, and where exactly they went.

We hope that this template helps your sanctuary begin to consider the biosecurity and record-keeping strategies that will be most effective for keeping your avian residents safe from HPAI. If you have any additional questions about protecting your residents from avian influenza, please get in touch with us! We are here for you!

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