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The Open Sanctuary Project’s “So You Want To Rescue A Domesticated Duck” Brochure

The first page of The Open Sanctuary Project's domestic duck rescue trifold brochure download
The second page of The Open Sanctuary Project's domestic duck rescue trifold brochure download
A sample of our domesticated duck rescue brochure!

Enter either your organization’s name or your name and email below to download a free brochure PDF that you can have printed out for visitors to your organization who are interested in learning more about what it takes to provide lifelong compassionate care for a domesticated duck. Physical literature is a great way to relay a lot of information in a pleasing way to curious individuals.

Looking For More Info On This Subject?
For more information on what to consider when thinking about providing lifelong care for domesticated ducks, check out our introductory resource about what sheep need here!

A4 Formatted Version Of This Brochure

Edgar’s Mission created an A4 version of this brochure! If your organization operates outside of the United States, you can download a printable A4 version with the following form:

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Full Text Summary Of The Brochure:

Here’s The Open Sanctuary Project’s “So You Want To Rescue A Domesticated Duck Brochure” text summary:

Panel 1: “So you want to rescue a domesticated duck? A short introductory guide to what ducks need, provided by The Open Sanctuary Project”

Panel 2: “Ducks: Our Wondrous Waterfowl Friends –

While domesticated ducks have different care needs than dogs and cats, caring for them requires the same level of commitment and responsibility as caring for any other companion animal. Ducks can make wonderful companions, but it’s important to understand what they need in order to remain healthy and happy!
As waterfowl, ducks require a clean water source to bathe in and, when the weather permits, swim in as part of both their psychological and physiological well-being. However, if you’ve heard that ducks who have access to a pond don’t need further predator protection, this is not true! To ensure their safety, ducks must be closed into a predator- proof area overnight. Are you ready for the rewarding responsibility of caring for a web- footed friend who might live up to ten years?”

Panel 3: When A Duck First Comes To Their New Home –

When welcoming a domesticated duck into your home or sanctuary, you must be prepared to handle any potential health or behavioral challenges they may be facing, which could include any of the following conditions:

  • Pressing health issues or emergencies
  • Internal or external parasites
  • Malnutrition or overfeeding symptoms
  • Complex behavioral challenges
  • Reproductive system concerns
  • Concerning flock dynamics

Learning all you can about ducks prior to bringing them home with you is critical in order to ensure a high-quality, happy life for them! Don’t just wing it!”

Panel 4: “Providing Responsible Lifelong Care For Ducks –

Compassionately caring for a domesticated duck in sanctuary goes well beyond setting them out in a pond and hoping for the best! Responsible duck guardianship means a commitment to every aspect of their well- being, such as:

  • Access to an experienced avian veterinarian • A diet appropriate for the individual
  • A clean, appropriate living space
  • Regular access to water to bathe in
  • Regular access to clean swimming water
  • Close daily observations of the flock
  • Regular health checks from you
  • Medical intervention when sick or hurt
  • Safe management of egg-laying side effects
  • Protection from weather and other animals
  • An enriching environment and activities

Being the best duck advocate possible means paying close attention to their needs and being proactive in the face of early challenges and concerns. But the rewards of an ongoing commitment to responsible care can be immense!”

Panel 5: “Did you know that, unlike other domesticated ducks, Muscovies are not descended from Mallards? If you care for Muscovy ducks, you’ll notice some key differences between them and other ducks. For starters, they don’t quack!

Our Domesticated Duck Caregiving Resources – The Open Sanctuary Project has dozens
of free resources about the compassionate care of domesticated ducks, and our library of resources is constantly growing!

We offer guidance and perspective on everything a duck truly needs, from intentional housing and appropriate diet to social considerations and enriching elements to make their lives as fulfilling and enjoyable as possible!”

Panel 6: “Learn more about The Open Sanctuary Project:

The Open Sanctuary Project is a freely accessible, always growing digital guide for any resources or information you need in order to responsibly create and successfully manage an animal sanctuary or to provide the best possible care to animals in order to help them live long, healthy, happy lives free of exploitation.

All of our resources are researched and responsibly crafted with the intention of promoting compassionate care standards and practices for animals in need of help and sanctuary, while identifying and discouraging practices that are exploitative or harmful to the individual Visit”

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