Enter either your organization’s name or your name and email below to download a free brochure PDF that you can have printed out for visitors to your organization who are interested in learning more about what it takes to provide lifelong compassionate care for a sheep. Physical literature is a great way to relay a lot of information in a pleasing way to curious individuals.
Looking For More Info On This Subject?
For more information on what to consider when thinking about providing lifelong care for sheep, check out our introductory resource about what sheep need here!
A4 Formatted Version Of This Brochure
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Full Text Summary Of The Brochure:
Here’s The Open Sanctuary Project’s “So You Want To Rescue A Sheep Brochure” text summary:
Panel 1: “So you want to rescue a sheep? Learn more about what sheep need with this informational guide! Provided by The Open Sanctuary Project”
Panel 2: “A fulfilled life in a flock- Rescuing a sheep and providing compassionate lifelong care is much more involved than just giving access to a grassy field and some scratches behind those soft ears! Sheep need daily attention, informed healthcare, and most importantly, other sheep! A sheep will almost always feel safer, more content, and more fulfilled with another sheep pal, or a whole flock! Would you feel comfortable caring for numerous sheep companions for up to 10 years or longer? It’s important to reflect upon this prior to a rescue commitment!”
Panel 3: “When taking in a sheep and providing care, they will likely have specific needs that must be addressed in order to protect their long-term health and ensure their happiness, including:
- Health issues or emergencies
- Hoof health concerns
- Wool overgrowth
- Internal or external parasites
- Malnutrition or overfeeding symptoms
- Complex behavioral challenges
- Dental health challenges
- Reproductive health concerns”
Panel 4: “Compassionate lifelong care needs of sheep- Just like any other companion animalAn animal who spends regular time with humans in their home and life. Typically cats and dogs are considered companion animals, though many species of animals could also be companion animals. in your life, sheep need holistic, ongoing lifelong care, especially:
- Access to an experienced veterinarian
- A diet appropriate for each sheep
- Regular hoof evaluation and trimming
- Shearing for woolen individuals
- Planned sheep-safe supplementation
- A well-maintained, safe living area
- Close daily observations
- Regular health checkups from you
- Medical intervention when necessary
- Predator safety in their home
- Protection from the elements
- An enriching life beyond the basics
Learning all you can about sheep care before they come into your life
may be critically important for their
long-term health and wellbeing!”
Panel 5: “We have sheep care resources for you:
Housing And Feeding: Where should sheep live? What factors will keep them safe and healthy? How do you choose what kind of forages to provide to ensure their lifelong wellness?
Sheep Health & Safety: Providing healthcare to sheep means an individualized approach to their wants and needs. From their head to their hooves, how can you ensure they’re always comfortable and protected?
Social dynamics, enrichment, & More: Sheep need flocks, and flocks have their own dynamics to consider, but what can you do to additionally make a sheep’s life more interesting and fulfilling for them as an individual?
Visit OpenSanctuary.org”
Panel 6: “Learn more about The Open Sanctuary Project:
The Open Sanctuary Project is a freely accessible, always growing digital guide for any resources or information you need in order to responsibly create and successfully manage an animal sanctuary or to provide the best possible care to animals in order to help them live long, healthy, happy lives free of exploitationExploitation is characterized by the abuse of a position of physical, psychological, emotional, social, or economic vulnerability to obtain agreement from someone (e.g., humans and nonhuman animals) or something (e.g, land and water) that is unable to reasonably refuse an offer or demand. It is also characterized by excessive self gain at the expense of something or someone else’s labor, well-being, and/or existence..
All of our resources are researched and responsibly crafted with the intention of promoting compassionate care standards and practices for animals in need of help and sanctuary, while identifying and discouraging practices that are exploitative or harmful to the individual.”