General Care For All Species

Resources About General Care For All Species

A brownish cavy (guinea pig) sticks their nose out of a wooden hut.
How does the presence of visual barriers and hiding places affect residents? How can it help improve their care?
How does the presence of visual barriers and hiding places affect residents? How can it help improve their care?
Detections of highly pathogenic avian influenza in mammalian farmed animal species have been alarming caregivers. Read on to learn morel
Detections of highly pathogenic avian influenza in mammalian farmed animal species have been alarming caregivers. Read on to learn morel
Two pink pigs stand in muddy water, rooting around with their noses touching.
This resource is intended to be valuable for anyone caring for residents who wishes to better understand their behavioral motivations, wants, and needs while
This resource is intended to be valuable for anyone caring for residents who wishes to better understand their behavioral motivations, wants, and needs while keeping everyone safe and content.
This is an introductory guide for animal sanctuary staff and volunteers who are interested in learning about agency in farmed animals.
This is an introductory guide for animal sanctuary staff and volunteers who are interested in learning about agency in farmed animals.
A deep blue banner with a teal wave of color on the bottom reads "4 Ways Animals Communicate". There is a smiling yellow cow looking up at the words.
Want a way to easily share and introduce the basics of animal communication with someone? Check out this infographic and spread far and wide!
Want a way to easily share and introduce the basics of animal communication with someone? Check out this infographic and spread far and wide!
A hand places red toy bricks on top of one another, building a wall.
In this resource we will look at a commonly used framework, the S.P.I.D.E.R. Framework, that can provide a map of sorts to help you
In this resource we will look at a commonly used framework, the S.P.I.D.E.R. Framework, that can provide a map of sorts to help you and your care staff establish, grow, and maintain a successful program for the residents under your care.
A blackish brown bull paws the ground with their head lowered. They are standing in a green pasture.
In this resource, we are going to cover anti-predator behaviors and how these behaviors may vary between farmed animal species.
In this resource, we are going to cover anti-predator behaviors and how these behaviors may vary between farmed animal species.
A lilac-colored background banner spans the top of this resource. A lighter-colored horse with a magenta halter stands in front of a fence, their side visible. A person with a lavender top and deep blue pants brushes the horse's coat out.
This resource includes a list of proper grooming tools, safety tips, and a basic step-by-step approach to grooming equine residents.
This resource includes a list of proper grooming tools, safety tips, and a basic step-by-step approach to grooming equine residents.
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