General Care For All Species

Resources About General Care For All Species

In this ever-changing landscape, where do we stand in terms of covid risks to residents (and staff)? Let’s take a look at how animals
In this ever-changing landscape, where do we stand in terms of covid risks to residents (and staff)? Let’s take a look at how animals are affected by the variants and whether this includes risks to resident species.
An image of three panes from a brochure. The leftmost panel shows a rooster standing on an exam table. The middle panel shows a graphic of a rooster and a book, as well as two photos of roosters and a graphic of a chicken. The third panel on the right shows an image of a woman holding a rooster.
A new sanctuary brochure for so that you can help more folks learn some truths about roosters, which may help with facilitating rooster retention,
A new sanctuary brochure for so that you can help more folks learn some truths about roosters, which may help with facilitating rooster retention, getting foster homes, and more adopters!
An image of a small white feather on a black background. The feather has a fluffy end near the quill, and the top is tightly organized.
Learn all about feather anatomy and what feathers can tell you about the health and well-being of avian residents at your animal sanctuary
Learn all about feather anatomy and what feathers can tell you about the health and well-being of avian residents at your animal sanctuary
Una imagen de una cuidadora observando pavos.
Antes de admitir nuevos residentes en su santuario de animales, es esencial que cada uno de ellos se someta a un chequeo de salud
Antes de admitir nuevos residentes en su santuario de animales, es esencial que cada uno de ellos se someta a un chequeo de salud completo.
Una imagen de cuadernos encuadernados en un archivador.
El control de expedientes permanentes no es la tarea más divertida, pero es fundamental para cada animal residente.
El control de expedientes permanentes no es la tarea más divertida, pero es fundamental para cada animal residente.
Una foto de una agenda con un lápiz.
Para el cuidado de los animales en un santuario, es extremadamente importante realizar exámenes de salud regulares a cada residente.
Para el cuidado de los animales en un santuario, es extremadamente importante realizar exámenes de salud regulares a cada residente.
Una fotografía de muchos patitos de goma apilados unos sobre otros.
Una característica que diferencia un santuario de animales es que el se abstiene de criar animales o de permitir que sus habitantes conciban sin
Una característica que diferencia un santuario de animales es que el se abstiene de criar animales o de permitir que sus habitantes conciban sin querer.
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