This resource was updated as part of the veterinary review process. It was originally published on June 29, 2020.

Veterinary Review Initiative
This resource has been reviewed for accuracy and clarity by a qualified Doctor of Veterinary Medicine with farmed animalA species or specific breed of animal that is raised by humans for the use of their bodies or what comes from their bodies. sanctuary experience as of July 2024.
Check out more information on our Veterinary Review Initiative here!
As with any species, rabbitsUnless explicitly mentioned, we are referring to domesticated rabbit breeds, not wild rabbits, who may have unique needs not covered by this resource. are susceptible to a variety of illnesses and diseases. Additionally, much like their wild counterparts, domesticatedAdapted over time (as by selective breeding) from a wild or natural state to life in close association with and to the benefit of humans rabbits may show only subtle signs of illness or injury, as doing so in the wild would make them an easy target for predators. It is vital that caregivers learn what is normal behavior for each resident and closely observe them for any subtle changes in behavior that might indicate a health issue. Be sure to read our guide to rabbit health checks to familiarize yourself with the signs that something may be amiss with a rabbitUnless explicitly mentioned, we are referring to domesticated rabbit breeds, not wild rabbits, who may have unique needs not covered by this resource. resident!
Animal Healthcare Disclaimer
This is not an exhaustive list of everything that can happen to a rabbit but can help you get a sense of what types of health issues can affect them. If you have concerns about the health of one of your residents, always consult with a qualified veterinarian as soon as possible. Reading about health issues is not a substitute for veterinary care and does not qualify you to make diagnoses!
Issues By Body System Affected
Digestive: Antibiotic-Induced Toxicity, Coprophagy, Diarrhea, GI Stasis, Internal Parasites, Lead Toxicity, Dental Disease, Mucoid Enteropathy, Myxomatosis, Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (Rabbit Calicivirus), Hepatic Lipidosis “Fatty Liver Disease”
Metabolic: Bladder Sludge And Stones, Hepatic Lipidosis “Fatty Liver Disease”, Metabolic Bone Disease
Musculoskeletal: Injuries, Pododermatitis or “Sore Hocks”, Splayed Leg, Torticollis or “Head Tilt”
Neurological: Heat Stroke, Internal Parasites, Lead Toxicity, Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (Rabbit Calicivirus), Torticollis or “Head Tilt”
Reproductive: False Pregnancy, Female Reproductive Diseases, Myxomatosis, Pasteurellosis or “Snuffles”
Respiratory: Myxomatosis, Pasteurellosis or “Snuffles”, Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (Rabbit Calicivirus)
Integumentary: Barbering, External Parasites, Fly Strike And Cuterebra, Matted Fur, Overgrown Nails, Pododermatitis or “Sore Hocks”, Ringworm
Renal: Bladder Sludge And Stones
Sensory: Conjunctivitis, Ear Infections, Epiphora, External Parasites, Glaucoma, Internal Parasites, Myxomatosis, Pasteurellosis or “Snuffles”, Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (Rabbit Calicivirus), Torticollis or “Head Tilt”
Antibiotic-Induced Toxicity
Rabbits are susceptible to illness from oral antibiotics. This is because a rabbit’s digestive tract is sensitive and many antibiotics suppress the “good” bacteria populating their gastrointestinal tract. This, in turn, allows “bad” bacteria to take over, producing toxins in the GI tract. Diarrhea ensues and toxins are released into the body. It is absolutely vital that you have a veterinarian who is experienced and knowledgeable in rabbit health, as they will know about antibiotics that may or may not cause antibiotic toxicity in rabbits. If a resident is being treated and develops diarrhea, contact your veterinarian and stop giving the medication until you have spoken with the veterinarian. Common antibiotics that, if given orally, may cause toxicity in rabbits include amoxicillin, penicillin, lincomycin, erythromycin, ampicillin, cephalosporin, or clindamycin.
Health Problems In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Management Of Rabbits | Merck Veterinary Manual (Non-Compassionate Source)
While this may bring to mind a successful rabbit barber shop, the actuality is much more concerning. Barbering is when a rabbit tears out patches of their own fur. This looks different from normal grooming. This is something seen in pregnant rabbits, as they will use their own fur to make a cozy nest for their babies. This can also happen during what is known as a false pregnancy, which you can read more about below. If a resident is exhibiting barbering behavior but is not pregnant or experiencing a false pregnancy, this may be a coping mechanism turned compulsion due to stress. Steps should be taken to identify the stressors to this resident and address them in a thoughtful way to improve the resident’s quality of life.
Fur Pulling And Hairballs | Vet Help Direct
Why Is My Rabbit Pulling Their Fur Out? 8 Vet Reviewed Reasons | Pango Vet
Bladder Sludge And Stones
Bladder sludge (or Hypercalciuria) happens when there is a build-up of excess calcium in a rabbit’s bladder. Little calcium crystals remain in the bladder and combine to make a sort of paste-like sludge. These crystals can consolidate to form stones throughout the urinary tract. Rabbits often eat a diet high in calcium without issue, but if you suspect a resident has bladder sludge, it’s important to contact your veterinarian and discuss diagnosis and treatment plans. Making sure all residents have plenty of fresh drinking water available at all times, that they only eat a small portion of pellets, and that they get plenty of exercise, are all great ways to help protect rabbits who may be prone to this health issue. There are other muscular and neurological diseases that may prevent a resident from fully evacuating their bladder, which causes bladder sludge. While some residents may be asymptomatic, there are signs that can indicate an issue, such as urine scald, frequent urination, urinating outside of a litter box or in unusual places, cloudy urine, a hunched posture, and poor appetite. If you see any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Sludgy Bladder In Rabbits | Royal Veterinary College
ConjunctivitisConjunctivitis is the inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye. presents as an irritated or inflamed part of the eye, the conjunctiva (the white part of the eye). Poor, unsanitary living conditions can cause this as can Chlamydia, and Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas bacteria. However, in rabbits, it is commonly caused by Pasteurella multocida and Streptococcus sp. Contact your veterinarian to determine the cause and proper treatment plan for the affected resident.
Rabbit Eye Health | Missouri House Rabbit Society
BSAVA Manual Of Rabbit Medicine (Non-Compassionate Source)
No one wants to see residents eating their own poop, right? Gross! However, this is a normal behavior for rabbits and a vital part of their digestive process. In fact, what rabbits are consuming is not actual feces, but something called cecotropes. Cecotropes (other names include “cecal droppings” or “night droppings”) are actually made in a different part of the digestive tract than feces. They are often smaller and softer and bunched together. They have a fermented scent and they provide important nutrients for the rabbit who made them! It is important to learn the difference between this and diarrhea, as these are not cause for alarm. You may not observe this behavior as it is often performed at night and the rabbit will eat them straight from their fuzzy behind! If you do witness this behavior, do not be alarmed or try to prevent them from this behavior. It is very important to the health and well-being of rabbit residents.
Health Problems In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Why Does My Rabbit… Eat His Poop? | Veterinary Center For Birds And Exotics
Dental Disease
Dental Disease in rabbits is quite common. Did you know a rabbit’s teeth never stop growing? If not offered a fibrous diet and things to safely chew on, their teeth can become overgrown and even curl, called malocclusions. Malocclusions can make it difficult, if not impossible to eat. It is dangerous if a rabbit stops eating, so ensuring healthy teeth is vital to their well-being. Providing a diet high in hay and low in pellets will help prevent dental disease. However, dental disease can also be congenital with dwarf and lop-eared rabbits being at a higher risk.
In addition to overgrown teeth, rabbits can also develop spurs on their molars. These spurs can cut the tongue and cheeks, causing serious discomfort and distress. The good news is both malocclusions and molar spurs can be treated by a rabbit veterinarian. This may involve the filing down of or removal of the offending tooth.
Older rabbits are also at an increased risk of dental disease as they lose bone density. When this occurs, teeth may move around more while chewing, which may result in the uneven wearing of their teeth. Infections are possible at the base of the tooth as well.
If you notice any rabbit residents drooling, approaching food but then not eating it, or only eating one type of food (which may be easier to chew), or if they have runny eyes, then it’s a good idea to have them checked out by a veterinarian experienced in rabbit dental issues. The vet can then file or remove any overgrown teeth, making eating much more comfortable for the resident.
Health Problems In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Dental Disease In Rabbits: A Simple Overview | Dana Krempels, Ph.D.
If you provide care for rabbit residents, you are likely to eventually run into a case of diarrhea. It is not uncommon, and there are many possible causes. If a rabbit resident has diarrhea, you should ensure the resident is drinking enough water to prevent dehydration and further digestive issues, and then call your veterinarian. While there can be many causes for diarrhea, some are more serious than others. Here are some causes of diarrhea:
- Diet changes
- Diet too high in carbohydrates (pellets)
- Diet too low in fiber
- Parasitic infections
- Antibiotic toxicity
- Bacterial infection
- Viral infection
- An underlying illness
- Ingestion of toxins
Health Problems In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Diarrhoea In Rabbits | Cinque Port Vets
Ear Infections
Ear infections are a fairly common problem and can make a rabbit resident miserable. There are different parts of the ear that may become infected, the otitis externa (external part of the ear), the otitis media, or interns (the middle ear and internal ear). Certain residents may be more prone to ear infections due to the shape and size of their ears. Rabbits with ear canals that are closed off, like lop-eared rabbits, will be at an increased risk. Humans have bred them for that lop-eared look, which has unfortunately resulted in many of them having narrow or closed ear canals. This makes thorough cleaning of the ear a challenge and creates the perfect environment for bacteria to grow and wax to build up.
On the other side of things, larger breeds with upright ears and Netherland dwarf rabbits are generally more resistant to ear infections, though care should still be taken to routinely clean their ears and observe them for any ear-related issues. It is important to observe residents to ensure they are also cleaning their own ears. Be mindful of those with physical limitations (including arthritis in older rabbits), as this can affect their ability to perform this behavior. You should also keep an eye out for bonded rabbits to clean each other’s ears. So helpful!
Some rabbits may not show any signs of discomfort, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t an issue. This is why close observation and regular health checkups are important. Those who do show signs may exhibit:
- Ear scratching
- Losing interest in eating
- Lethargy or appear quieter than usual
- Recurrent issues with GI Stasis (read about this below)
- Tilting their head or exhibiting facial asymmetry
- Just not acting like themselves generally
If you suspect a resident may have an ear infection, call your veterinarian to work out a treatment plan for that individual.
Ear Infections In Rabbits | Patton Veterinary Hospital
Epiphora is a condition of the eyes where there is an abnormal flow of tears. This often happens as the result of a blockage in the nasal and eye area of the tear ducts, or due to poor function of the eyelid, or eye inflammation. Rabbits only have one tear duct. It may surprise you to learn that their tear duct is actually located near their teeth and gums, so dental disease can actually cause eye problems too! However, respiratory illnesses can also lead to epiphora when nasal passages are blocked.
Signs to look out for include:
- Lethargy
- Red eyes
- Discharge
- Bulging eyes
- Dropping food while trying to eat
- Having a hunched posture
- Hair loss, matted hair, and crust on the face.
A call to your veterinarian should be your first move so they can confirm the diagnosis and start a treatment plan.
Rabbit Eye Health | Missouri House Rabbit Society
Watery Eyes In Rabbits (Epiphoria) | Bird And Exotics Veterinarian
External Parasites
Unfortunately, rabbit residents can be affected by a number of external parasites just like other residents. The most common of these are fleas and mites, but ticks and fly larvae (discussed below) can also be an issue. Observe residents for scratching behavior, as this can indicate the presence of parasites. Take a good look at their fur and skin, and be sure to check in those ears! Make this a part of a regular health checkThe Open Sanctuary Project uses the term "health check" to describe health evaluations performed by caregivers who are not licensed veterinarians. While regular health checks are an important part of animal care, they are not meant to be a replacement for a physical exam performed by a licensed veterinarian. and discuss treatment options with your veterinarian. For now, let’s take a closer look at some of these external parasites.
- Fleas will bite and feed on the blood, often leaving behind an irritation or small bite mark. You can see evidence of fleas by looking through or combing through a resident’s hair and checking for small, black grainy bits called flea dirt (which is actually feces). If you find signs of fleas, call your veterinarian for the best treatment plan. While there are some flea and tick products for cats and dogs that have “off-labelThis term is often used to describe extra-label drug use. This means that a drug is used in a way other than what is described on the label or package insert. If a drug is used in a different species than what it has been approved for, this is extra-label use. Other examples include using a drug to treat a different condition than it is approved for or administering it in a different way than the directions describe. Extra-label drug use can only occur within the confines of a valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship.” use for rabbits, others can be toxic.
- Mites are highly contagious. There are 3 main types of mites you may run into while caring for rabbit residents.
- Ear mites: Psoroptes cuniculi is an unfortunately common occurrence in rabbits. Signs include head shaking, ear scratching, crust in the ear cavity, and sores. If one resident has ear mites, your veterinarian will likely suggest that other residents living alongside the symptomatic resident be treated as well. Because ear mites can cause pain and discomfort, it is best to have your veterinarian or a skilled rabbit health expert clean their ears.
- Fur Mites: Also known as walking dandruff, Cheyletiella parasitovorax is perhaps the most common mite that affects rabbits. Many rabbits will not show the signs of discomfort that we described for ear mites. Afflicted rabbits may scratch at an untreated case. However, the easiest way to determine whether residents have this mite is to check their fur and skin. Those affected usually have dandruff concentrated between their shoulder blades and the rest of their back. Once confirmed, your veterinarian will provide you with the best treatment options for your residents.
- Harvest Mites: Last, but certainly not least, harvest mites, also known as “chiggers” in some regions, are parasites that are at their worst in the autumn season, hence their name, Neotrombicula autumnalis. While these parasites affect humans and other animals on various areas of their bodies, in rabbits, their ears are most likely to be affected by this mite. However, they can certainly affect other areas, so a thorough check is best. They are small, but very easily identifiable, as they are a bright orange or reddish color. They are most likely picked up when residents are outside. Discuss preventative options with your veterinarian as well as any possible treatment for the itchiness.
Fleas In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospitals
Cheyletiellosis (Walking Dandruff) in Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospitals
False Pregnancy
Intact female residents can experience a false pregnancy (pseudo-pregnancy). False pregnancies may occur if the resident is stressed or if another resident has mounted them but it is a sterile mount. When this happens, the resident will ovulate and experience a sense of being pregnant for around 2-3 weeks. During this time, you are likely to notice the resident eating an increasing amount of food in addition to changing behavior and levels of comfort when engaging with companions or care staff. They will begin to build a nest. This condition generally goes away on its own. In the meantime, taking care to provide a calm environment and respecting the resident’s need for space is key. If this becomes a chronic issue, you should speak to your veterinarian who may recommend spaying the resident to prevent further issues (we recommend spaying all rabbits who are healthy enough to undergo the procedure). While rare, there have been occasional reports of caregivers observing pseudo-pregnancy behaviors in spayed females. If you see signs of what appears to be a pseudo-pregnancy in spayed females, you should reach out to your veterinarian as this may indicate an underlying issue.
Pseudopregnancy: Hay Gathering And Fur Plucking Behavior
Uterine Problems | Dr Brendan Carmel
False Pregnancy | My Rabbit Family Blog
Female Reproductive Diseases
If they are not spayed, female rabbits are at an increased risk of developing numerous reproductive tract diseases starting around three years of age. These include uterine, ovarian, and mammary cancer, as well as endometrial cystic hyperplasia and hydrometra. The most common of these conditions is uterine cancer, and it is estimated that 50-80% of unspayed rabbits develop uterine adenocarcinoma by the time they are 5 years old. The risk of certain reproductive diseases is eliminated by spaying females, and for other conditions, the risk is greatly reduced in spayed females. Unless another medical issue prevents the procedure, all female rabbits should be spayed by a qualified veterinarian when they are 4-6 months old. If you welcome unspayed adults to your sanctuary, they should be spayed as soon as your veterinarian deems them healthy enough for the procedure.
Diseases In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Uterine Problems | Bishop Stortford Veterinary Hospital
BSAVA Manual Of Rabbit Medicine (Non-Compassionate Source)
Fly Strike And Cuterebra
Fly strike is a blowfly maggot infestation of an animal’s flesh. Rabbits, particularly those with extra furry back ends, are susceptible to this condition because dirty fur is highly attractive to blowflies. Fly strike is most prevalent during sunny seasons and in tropical climates. Blowflies can also be attracted to open wounds, feces stuck to fur, and watery eyes. The best treatment includes trimming and cleaning the affected areas, making sure the rabbit’s fur is not dirty, and using medicated creams for affected skin. Rabbit-safe insecticides can be used to treat larger infestations. Talk to a veterinarian for evaluation and treatment options if you suspect fly strike. Rabbits in warm or tropical climates should be checked frequently for signs.
In addition to fly strike, Cuterebra (the larval stage of the bot fly) can cause serious discomfort and issues for rabbits. While fly strike refers to many larvae infesting residents, cuterebra only appear as a single larva at a particular site. They will appear as a bump on a resident’s skin. You should be able to see a little hole in the bump on the surface of the resident’s skin. It is best to have a veterinarian remove them, as you risk illness and injury if done improperly by attempting to pull the larva from the hole in the skin. Of particular note, if the maggot ruptures while being removed, the rabbit will be at risk of anaphylaxis. A veterinarian can surgically remove the larva.
Fly strike and cuterebra are more common in rabbits who are outdoors compared to those housed indoors. During fly season, be sure to regularly check rabbits for signs of fly strike and cuterebra!
Myiasis (Fly-Strike) In Rabbits | MediRabbit
Myiasis (Bot Fly) In Rabbits | MediRabbit
Cuterebriasis (a.k.a. Cuterebra – Bot Fly Larva) | MSPCA Angell
GI Stasis
It is normal for rabbits to ingest hair as they practice grooming behaviors. Unlike cats, rabbits are unable to vomit, so hair generally passes through the digestive tract with the help of their fibrous diets. If a resident rabbit stops eating and drinking as much for any number of reasons, their GI tract will slow down. This is a danger to them. Hairballs or impactions are not the cause of GI Stasis, but rather the result of it. If food movement through the GI tract slows and a rabbit becomes dehydrated, or their “good” gut bacteria changes, a resident can be in danger of impaction of the bowels. Additionally, rabbits may ingest foreign objects or materials (like carpet fibers or baseboards) that they aren’t able to digest, which can cause perforation or obstruction of their digestive system. If you observe a rabbit resident presenting as lethargic and not interested in eating, contact your veterinarian immediately, as this generally signals something seriously wrong, and immediate treatment is necessary. Other signs of GI stasis include a hunched appearance, abdominal distention, and a lack of fecal pellets in their living spaceThe indoor or outdoor area where an animal resident lives, eats, and rests. or the presence of fecal pellets that are small and dry.
Things that can trigger a slowdown in a rabbit’s food intake may include:
- A new stressful change in the environment
- A new, unpalatable diet
- The loss of a companion
- A diet high in concentrated pellets and low in fibrous hay and grasses
- Painful dental issues
- Lack of access to fresh water
- Other underlying diseases
As always, contact your veterinarian for more information on how to properly handle GI stasis.
What Is Gastrointestinal Stasis In Rabbits? | Animal Emergency Hospital And Urgent Care
Gastrointestinal Stasis In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Glaucoma is a condition in which there is too much pressure in the eye. This eventually leads to blindness. Because there are few symptoms, it is vital that residents have their eyes checked annually. New Zealand White rabbits may be at an increased risk for developing the condition, though any breed can suffer from the condition. You may notice symptoms such as cloudiness on the eye or the loss of a resident’s sight. The sooner glaucoma is identified as a problem for a resident, the better.
Rabbit Eye Health | Missouri House Rabbit Society
Glaucoma In Pet Rabbits | Tracey K. Ritzman, DVM, DABVP (Avian), DABVP (Exotic Companion Mammal)
Heat Stroke
Rabbits struggle in high temperatures and are at risk of developing heat stroke if they are not able to cool off. Heat stroke is a serious and potentially fatal condition that progresses quickly. Prevention is key. Their living space should be kept below 80 degrees Fahrenheit / 26 degrees Celsius and must be well-ventilated. They should always have access to drinking water. Individuals spending time outdoors must have access to plenty of shade. To help keep rabbit residents cool during warm weather, large ceramic tiles can be cooled in the fridge and placed in the living space for residents to lie on. You can also place frozen water bottles near them and put ice cubes in their drinking water. Signs of heat stroke in rabbits include lethargy, panting, weakness, lack of coordination, and convulsions. If you suspect heat stroke, call your veterinarian immediately. While waiting for veterinary assistance, you should take steps to help cool the individual down while keeping handling to a minimum. If they are in a sunny spot, move them to a shaded area. Open windows or turn on a fan to create a breeze. You can also place them on a cold, wet towel and can wet their ears with cold water. Do not cover them with a wet towel as this will trap heat.
Health Problems In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Hepatic Lipidosis “Fatty Liver Disease”
Hepatic Lipidosis is often referred to as “Fatty Liver Disease” because of an accumulation of fat in the liver. In rabbits, it is often triggered if they are anorexic (not eating). There are many reasons why a rabbit may stop eating and it is always imperative that this be taken seriously and treated immediately. If a rabbit isn’t eating, you need to call your veterinarian. In addition to whatever the underlying cause is, hepatic lipidosis can develop. This is life-threatening and must be addressed quickly. While any rabbit can develop fatty liver disease if they stop eating, residents whose weight interferes with them reaching and consuming their cecotropes are at an additional risk, as there is already more fat accumulated in the liver.
Unfortunately, there are often no easy-to-spot early warning signs for this disease. But there are some things you can look out for that may indicate an increased risk:
- Fewer droppings
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Dehydration
- Lethargy
The above symptoms could be related to a number of other underlying health issues. However, they can put a resident at risk for developing this serious disease and should be reported to your veterinarian for swift diagnosis and treatment.
Liver (Hepatic) Disease In Rabbits | House Rabbit Society
BSAVA Manual Of Rabbit Medicine (Non-Compassionate Source)
Fractures may occur if resident rabbits are restrained improperly during procedures or general handling. This is why it’s critical to properly hold rabbit residents and ensure you secure both their front and back legs, as holding just their front or back legs can result in fractures if the rabbit resident becomes fearful and tries to jump or twist away. Spinal fractures are always serious and may result in such a significant quality of life decline that euthanasia may be the most compassionate course of action for an afflicted individual. Due to their small size, it’s crucial that care staff are always aware of where every rabbit resident is when they enter and walk through a living space where residents are present. Care staff should also be vigilant when entering and exiting their living spaces to prevent residents from being caught in the door or getting out unsupervised.
BSAVA Manual Of Rabbit Medicine (Non-Compassionate Source)
Non-Infectious Diseases Of Rabbits | Merck Veterinary Manual (Non-Compassionate Source)
Internal parasites
Like other sanctuary residents, rabbits are also affected by a number of internal parasites. Some typically cause only minor disease in healthy rabbits, while others can be much more serious. Internal parasites that can affect rabbits include:
- The Common Rabbit Pinworm (Passalurus ambiguus) – This parasite is quite common and fairly easy to spot. An inspection of an affected resident’s feces can reveal threadlike worms. Pinworm eggs are shed in the feces of infected rabbits. Other rabbits may become infected by eating infective feces or by ingesting food or water that has been contaminated. Thankfully, pinworm infections do not cause serious disease, though a rabbit with this infection may show discomfort and may be seen biting or scratching at their hind end. Treatment involves the administration of an antiparasitic and enhanced cleaning practices to remove feces from their living space.
- Eimeria – Rabbits become infected with this protozoan parasite by ingesting eggs passed in the feces of other infected rabbits. There are several eimeria species that can affect rabbits, and the severity of disease from eimeria infection depends on the species as well as the rabbit’s age, immune status, and environmental stresses. While healthy, mature rabbits may not become severely ill, young, immunocompromised rabbits can develop fatal disease (clinical disease from eimeria infection is referred to as coccidiosis). Most eimeria species affect the intestinal tract. Signs of intestinal coccidiosis may include diarrhea (possibly containing blood or mucus), weakness, lethargy, poor appetite, dehydration, and weight loss. Eimeria stiedae affects the liver rather than the intestinal tract. Rabbits with hepatic coccidiosis may develop jaundice and fluid build-up in addition to diarrhea and weight loss. Treatment involves the administration of an anti-coccidial drug, enhanced cleaning practices to remove feces from the living space, and, in severe cases, supportive care.
- Toxoplasma gondii – Cats are the definitive host of this parasite, but rabbits can become infected by ingesting food that has been contaminated with infective cat feces. Young rabbits are most at risk of serious disease, which may present as lethargy, anorexia, fever, elevated respiratory rate, discharge from the eyes and nose, and neurological signs. In severe cases, this parasite can cause fatal disease. Chronic infection can result in ataxiaThe presence of abnormal, uncoordinated movements. that progresses into paralysis and is mostly seen in older rabbits. Treatment typically includes the administration of antimicrobial drugs. This infection can be prevented by housing rabbits and cats separately and making sure their living spaces, food, and water cannot be contaminated by cat feces.
- Tapeworms – Rabbits act as intermediate hosts for several tapeworm species and can also act as the primary host for certain species. However, tapeworm infections are not very common in domesticated rabbits. Rabbits become infected by ingesting contaminated food (especially while grazing) or bedding. In some cases, rabbits with tapeworm infections will not show any signs of illness, but when clinical signs are present, they vary depending on the species of tapeworm. Signs may include abdominal discomfort and distension, skin cysts, diarrhea, and weight loss. Tapeworm infections can be treated with an anti-parasitic, as recommended by your veterinarian.
- E. cuniculi (encephalitozoon cuniculi) – E. cuniculi is another parasite that can affect rabbits and is a common cause of disease. Infected rabbits shed this parasite in their urine, which can then contaminate food, water, and the environment. A rabbit can become infected by eating contaminated food or hopping through a contaminated environment and then grooming. E. cuniculi often causes a latent infection, and many rabbits show no symptoms until they are older. Stress and a compromised immune system can also result in clinical disease from infection. The disease will manifest differently depending on which organ(s) are affected but most commonly manifests as neurological issues. A head tilt is common, but more advanced cases can cause the rabbit to become unsteady and even begin rolling over. Other manifestations involve the eye (resulting in white plaques inside the eye), the kidneys (resulting in severe kidney disease), and the spinal cord. A veterinarian may make a presumptive diagnosis based on a rabbit’s clinical signs and response to treatment. They can also perform a blood test that will ascertain whether the rabbit has antibodies to E. cuniculi. However, diagnosis is difficult in rabbits who are infected but not showing signs of disease. Treatment typically includes the administration of an antiparasitic medication and an anti-inflammatory. Talk to your veterinarian about quarantineThe policy or space in which an individual is separately housed away from others as a preventative measure to protect other residents from potentially contagious health conditions, such as in the case of new residents or residents who may have been exposed to certain diseases. policies for new residents that can protect them and the other residents. Be aware that E. cuniculi is also a zoonosisAny disease or illness that can be spread between nonhuman animals and humans., meaning that human care staff can potentially contract it and should follow good hygiene and safety protocols when working with an infected resident. Folks who are immunocompromised are most at risk.
- Baylisascaris – Rabbits are not the definitive host of Baylisascaris, but can become infected by Baylisascaris procyonis (the raccoon roundworm) and Baylisascaris columnaris (the skunk roundworm) by ingesting food that has been contaminated by infective raccoon or skunk feces. This can result in severe and even fatal disease. After eggs hatch inside the rabbit, the larvae migrate through the body, including to the central nervous system (cerebrospinal nematodiasis). Clinical signs include a head tilt, rapid eye movements, blindness, ataxia, circling, and tremors. Individuals may also experience seizures, rolling, and paralysis. Your veterinarian may recommend treatment with a combination of anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Unfortunately, the prognosis is generally poor, so prevention is key. Be sure to prevent exposure to raccoon and skunk feces and take steps to avoid environmental contamination.
Be sure to work with your veterinarian if you suspect one of your residents has internal parasites, and talk to them about routine fecal testing, which can help identify certain parasites before they cause disease. Because rabbits can be exposed to dangerous parasites via the feces of other species, be sure to provide living spaces that prevent exposure.
Pinworm Infections In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Health Problems In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Coccidia In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Coccidia In Rabbits | The Unusual Pet Vets
What’s Encephalitozoon Cuniculi, Or E. Cuniculi In Rabbits And How Is It Treated? | VetsNow
Diseases In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hosptial
Encephalitozoonosis In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Toxoplasmosis, An Unrecognized Parasitosis In Rabbits | MediRabbit
Head Tilt In Pet Rabbits | Veterinary Partner
Cerebrospinal nematodiasis | Bishops Stortford Veterinary Hospital
BSAVA Manual Of Rabbit Medicine (Non-Compassionate Source)
Parasitic Diseases Of Rabbits | Merck Veterinary Manual (Non-Compassionate Source)
Infectious Diseases Of Domestic Rabbits | Textbook Of Rabbit Medicine (Non-Compassionate Source)
Tapeworms: Rabbit As Definitive Host | MediRabbit (Non-Compassionate Source)
Internal Parasites Of Rabbits | Vet Times (Non-Compassionate Source)
Diagnosing And Treating Common Neurologic Diseases In Rabbits | James W. Carpenter, MS, DVM, DACZM (Non-Compassionate Source)
Lead Toxicity In Rabbits
Because rabbits are curious and like to chew on any number of offered surfaces, they are at risk of lead poisoning. Be sure that residents do not have access to any metal containing lead or any surfaces containing lead-based paints as they can ingest particles and become extremely ill, sometimes fatally.
Watch out for:
- Lead-based paint residues or paint chips
- Cages that have been galvanized, soldered, or painted
- Ceramic dishes that have been improperly glazed
Some signs of lead toxicity include:
- Lethargy
- Anorexia
- Weight loss
- Loss of muscle coordination
- Seizures
- GI Stasis
- AnemiaAnemia is a condition in which you don't have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to the body's tissues.
If you see any of the signs above or suspect a resident has ingested lead-based material, call your veterinarian immediately.
Lead Poisoning In Rabbits | Bird And Exotics Veterinarian
BSAVA Manual Of Rabbit Medicine (Non-Compassionate Source)
Matted Fur
While rabbits are generally meticulous groomers, it’s a good idea to brush them at least once a week (long-haired rabbits will need more frequent brushing than short-haired rabbits). During shedding seasons, rabbit residents may need to be brushed daily to keep up with all the fluff. Occasionally, due to health or environment, an individual may struggle to perform self-grooming. Mats can form and pull on their skin, causing discomfort. Because a rabbit’s skin is so delicate, you should take care not to pull on their skin when attempting to remove mats, and scissors should not be used to cut off mats. A fine mat rake or splitter is a better tool. Be sure to learn how to properly use these tools from an experienced compassionate rabbit care professional or veterinarian.
Grooming Tips | House Rabbit Society
Metabolic Bone Disease
This disease is similar to osteoporosis. Calcium, Vitamin D, and parathyroid hormone all come into play with Metabolic Bone Disease as they work to keep the right levels of calcium in the blood. Rabbit residents who live indoors full-time are at risk for developing this disease if they aren’t able to get sunlight (vitamin D) and have diets low in calcium. When there isn’t enough calcium, the body will pull it from the bones, weakening the skeletal system and causing dental disease as well.
Metabolic Bone Disease In Rabbits | Vet Times
Mucoid Enteropathy
This diarrheal disease affects younger rabbits. It can be fatal, so it is imperative to contact your veterinarian if you suspect this disease. Diarrhea caused by mucoid enteropathy will have a gelatinous consistency and contain a lot of mucous. While a direct cause is difficult to ascertain, there are factors that predispose a young rabbit to developing this disease, including antibiotic treatment, stress, intestinal infections, dietary changes, and diets low in fiber.
Health Problems In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Mucoid Enteropathy | Bishops Stortford Veterinary Hospital
Myxomatosis is a viral disease that is transmitted by biting insects such as mosquitoes and fleas, or by close contact between an infected rabbit and a susceptible rabbit. The disease is recognized by swelling and discharge from a rabbit resident’s eyes, nose, and genital region. A rabbit’s ears can also become covered in lumps. There is currently no cure for myxomatosis, and it is sadly a fatal disease in most cases. In North America, the West Coast is especially affected due to the presence of brush rabbits who are bitten by insects that then bite domesticated rabbits, transmitting the virus. Sanctuaries with rabbit residents in Australia should be particularly vigilant.
Practice good quarantine and flea prevention. If you live in an area where Myxomatosis is known to be an issue, consider constructing a larger, more dynamic indoor living space and minimizing or avoiding time spent outside. There has been some work on a vaccination, but it is not widely available and may cause some health issues. Contact your veterinarian for more information.
If you suspect a resident has contracted this virus, call your veterinarian immediately. They may be able to suggest appropriate palliative care options and can confirm diagnosis.
What Is Myxomatosis And How Do I Protect My Rabbit From It? | RSPCA Knowledge Base
Viral Diseases Of Rabbits | Merck Veterinary Manual (Non-Compassionate Source)
BSAVA Manual Of Rabbit Medicine (Non-Compassionate Source)
Overgrown Nails
Rabbit residents are likely to require a nail trim now and then. Left unchecked, nails can become overgrown and cause problems for your residents. If you have a resident with white nails, you can see their quick and easily avoid nicking it. It is more difficult to determine a quick’s length on residents with darker nails. Ask your veterinarian or an experienced compassionate rabbit care expert how to properly trim a rabbit resident’s nails.
Physical Examination Of Rabbits | The University Of Edinburgh
Pasteurellosis “Snuffles”
“Snuffles” is caused by the Pasteurella multocida bacterium, which can remain dormant in the nasal tract of rabbits. During periods of stress, the bacterium may become active and can be fairly easily passed between residents. As you may imagine, snuffles can cause sinus issues and affect the eyes or ears, or even cause abscesses in other areas of a rabbit’s body. It may also cause uterine infections. Signs of respiratory infection include eye redness, squinting, ocular discharge, nasal discharge, and sneezing. Because rabbits are constantly grooming themselves, they may wipe away nasal and ocular discharge before you are able to notice it. Wetness or crustiness on the inside of the front paws is a clue that this is happening. Ensuring your sanctuary adheres to safe quarantine policies and provides an environment that promotes calm, healthy rabbit behavior, can help prevent this from being an issue at your sanctuary. If you suspect snuffles is a possible concern in a rabbit resident, contact a qualified rabbit veterinarian to discuss treatment options.
Diseases In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Let’s Talk About Rabbits! Part 2 – Diseases | Scott Veterinary Clinic
Pododermatitis or “Sore Hocks”
Sore hocks are often the result of unhygienic living conditions and improper flooring, specifically wire cage flooring. Other unclean, wet, or rough surfaces can cause the issue as well. Wire flooring is an unacceptable option for rabbit resident living spaces. Heavier rabbits are at an increased risk, as are those with less hair on the bottom of their feet, such as Rex rabbits. Contact your veterinarian if one of your rabbit residents is showing signs of pododermatitis. The earlier the issue is detected and addressed, the better the prognosis. Minor cases can often be resolved by gently cleaning (do not attempt to ever bathe a rabbit resident, as rabbits can become over-stressed and injure themselves trying to get away, or simply panic from the stress and die), applying topical balms and wrapping their feet (fresh wraps are necessary daily) for a week or two. Sore hock1: the tarsal joint or region in the hind limb of a digitigrade quadruped (such as the horse) corresponding to the human ankle but elevated and bending backward 2: a joint of a fowl's leg that corresponds to the hock of a quadruped infections can easily become extremely serious if the infection reaches the bone. If you suspect a serious case, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.
At The Open Sanctuary Project, unacceptable means that we cannot condone (or condone through omission) a certain practice, standard, or policy. See a more detailed explanation here.
Health Problems In Rabbits | VCA Animal Hospital
Pododermatitis In Rabbits – Sore Hocks | Bishops Stortford Veterinary Hospital
Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (Rabbit Calicivirus)
RHDV is highly contagious and often fatal. There are two strains, RHDV-1 and RHDV-2, with RHDV-2 now spreading in areas of North America in addition to many other regions. Symptoms may include fever, difficulty breathing, a bloody nose, lethargy, a lack of appetite, seizures, jaundice, and sudden death. For more information on this disease, check out our resource Advanced Topics In Resident Health: Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease.
This is a contagious fungal infection of the skin. It can be spread by both direct contact and indirect contact. Any rabbit residents with ringworm should be isolated until treated. Be sure to disinfect their living space and dispose of and replace bedding. Hair brushes should also be disinfected. Initially, you may notice raised tufts of hair, generally followed by the loss of that hair. Lesions often appear circular and may vary in size. If you suspect ringworm, call your vet to diagnose. To treat, clip the hair around the lesion, clean the lesion with a rabbit-safe anti-fungal cleaning solution, and apply an anti-fungal dressing, as recommended by your veterinarian. Be sure to keep the lesion dry and open to the air. And remember to keep the environment clean and disinfect, disinfect, disinfect! Ringworm is zoonotic, so be sure to wear gloves and take other precautions to protect yourself!
Ringworm | The Unusual Pet Vets
Disorders And Diseases Of Rabbits | Merck Veterinary Manual (Non-Compassionate Source)
Splayed Leg
Splayed leg is not a specific disease but rather a descriptive term used to describe conditions that result in one or more of a rabbit’s legs splaying outward. While it can be the result of an injury, it is more often a genetic condition in rabbits. Be sure to work with a knowledgeable rabbit veterinarian to determine the cause and potential treatment options. Even if the condition cannot be treated, the good news is many rabbits can still live a happy, healthy life with a splayed leg. Depending on the underlying cause and affected leg(s), slings and other assistive devices may be an option.
Splayed Leg In Rabbits | The Unusual Pet Vets
BSAVA Manual Of Rabbit Medicine (Non-Compassionate Source)
Torticollis or “Head Tilt”
Torticollis, or more commonly used, “head tilt”, is actually a sign of another health issue with a resident rather than a disease. A rabbit may have a very mild head tilt or one that is more severe. In some cases, the condition will progress until they are tilting so much that they roll over when they try to move. There are many possible underlying causes, including ear infections or parasites (for example, E. cuniculi or Baylisascaris), as well as strokes, abscesses, brain tumors, and even head trauma. It is important to work with your veterinarian to determine the cause so you can provide the correct treatment. Depending on the underlying cause and how quickly treatment is initiated, the rabbit’s head tilt may completely resolve. In other cases, the resident may continue to have a head tilt even after the underlying cause is addressed. Thankfully, rabbits can often adjust to this “new normal.”
Wry Neck/Head Tilt In Rabbits | Arizona Exotic Animal Hospital
Head Tilt In Pet Rabbits | Veterinary Partner
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If a source includes the (Non-Compassionate Source) tag, it means that we do not endorse that particular source’s views about animals, even if some of their insights are valuable from a care perspective. See a more detailed explanation here.