This resource has been fully reviewed and updatedA member of The Open Sanctuary Project’s staff has given this resource a full review and provided updates where necessary. by a member of The Open Sanctuary Project team as of November 20, 2023.
The stories of sanctuary residents and the bonds we share with them exist to be told. They disrupt the dominant cultural objectification of farmed animalsA species or specific breed of animal that is raised by humans for the use of their bodies or what comes from their bodies. and offer a gateway for folks outside of the sanctuary world to get to know them more intimately. In this lesson plan, late elementary-age sanctuary participants are given the opportunity to form a deeper understanding and appreciation of farmed animals as they are guided through a tour of your sanctuary and the stories of its residents. The ultimate goal of this lesson is to encourage late elementary-age children to consciously engage in the ethical issues farmed animals face and direct them towards a more compassionate way of conceptualizing and being in relationship with nonhuman beings.
Below, you will find a form to fill out to receive this free downloadable sanctuary education lesson plan. This lesson plan is the first part in a multi-part late elementary-age sanctuary education program. It can be used by sanctuary educators and representatives as a stand-alone lesson or ideally, as part of a long-term program with Late Elementary lessons two, three, and four. As with every educational program we create, please leave room to edit, modify, and adapt the activities, questions, and materials based on your sanctuary and audience’s specific needs. Built-in flexibility is an important aspect of effective educational design. Please also check out the introduction to our first early elementary-age lesson plan for important things to consider as you develop and implement the first late elementary-age lesson plan at your sanctuary (e.g. positionalities, language use, modifications for people with disabilities, common core learning standards, and more).
Effective For Other Species Populations
While this lesson plan was created with farmed animals in mind, it can easily and effectively be adapted for other species populations!
Download the Lesson Plan
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